As of the beginning of May, 2019, all of my English Karl May books, my translations of some of Karl May's adventure novels and short stories, the biography, my own Karl-May novel, the research on May's work, as well as the short story collections, are owned and published by:

Hamburg, Germany (English and German Text)

Directly from the publisher or from Amazon.

Thank you for your patronage over the past 15 years.
Marlies Bugmann
translated by Marlies Bugmann
for Reinhard Marheinecke

Reinhard Marheinecke, author of the German novel Winnetou und der alte Richter, has been writing Karl May pastiche since 1993 and has to date published 42 new Winnetou and Old Shatterhand novels. Winnetou und der alte Richter is the first of his novels to be translated into English.
Winnetou and the Old Judge
Paperback and e-book

(translation for
Reinhard Marheinecke)

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