What about Karl May and Australia?
Mate...be prepared for a surprise...Karl May tells us that "[Lord Lindsay] went to Australia on my advice to cross the continent on camels..."
In his works, May mentions having visited the island continent several times ...
Mate...be prepared for a surprise...Karl May tells us that "[Lord Lindsay] went to Australia on my advice to cross the continent on camels..."
In his works, May mentions having visited the island continent several times ...
Now available from Verlag Reinhard Marheinecke.

Contemporary 'eye witness':
When Egon Erwin Kish visits Villa Shatterhand on the 9th May, 1910, Kisch describes the interior of May’s villa and among other things the decoration of the hallway (E.E.Kisch: "Hetzjagd durch die Zeit", Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Berlin 1994, p. 85).
“Die Diele betont allerwildestes Wildwest, betont Prairie und Indianerdorf. Mit Tigerfellen ist die Wand drapiert und mit dem Kopf eines Elentiers, Tomahawks und Bumerangs kreuzen sich, doppellaeufige Gewehre und vierschneidige Tigermesser, Lassos und Zaumzeug umschlingen Jagdtrophaen, Schirwans, Mocassins und alles Uebrige, was zur stilgemaessen Ausruestung eines ruhmreichen Trappers gehoert.”
"The hallway emphasizes the wildest of Wild West, emphasizes prairie and Indian village. The wall is draped with tiger skins and the head of an elk, tomahawks and boomerangs cross over each other, double-barreled rifles and four-edged tiger knives, lassos and horse bridles wrap around hunting trophies, oriental rugs, moccasins and anything else that is relevant to the equipment of a famous trapper."
... and did you know that there are six boomerangs in the Karl May Museum? That Karl May connection couldn't be more Australian.
Karl May has never been out of print in more than 130 years, yet he is virtually unknown in the English speaking realm. Why? Karl May himself refused English translations because "Santer's son would have found Nugget-tsil and the gold treasure."
Personally, I think the gold is right under our noses...his charming, captivating, moving, awe-inspiring, thought-provoking, spirited tales of a world where humanity is shown a glimpse into the age of the 'Edelmensch', the next step in the human race's evolution where love, respect, individuality, and above all, peace, finds its due reward and recognition.
text from one language into another is demanding at the best of times;
Karl May's pulp fiction of the nineteenth century has its own peculiar
challenges. A pretty view from the office window goes a long way to
adding an extra dimension to the long hours spent tracking Winnetou and
Old Shatterhand through the Wild West . . . and with a little bit of
imagination, the neighbour's ponies can turn into a herd of
mustangs racing with thundering hooves across the wide open prairie.

Just for fun - view onto the Ragged Tier from the office window with an imagined herd of wild mustang on the wide open prairie; maybe the rider is young Winnetou catching himself a mustang on his sister's white pony.

Mascot of Karl May Friends
Jez, tallest black drafthorse mare in Tasmania (at the time) at over 18 hands; died in 2005 more than 30 years old.
She was a genuine gentle giant, and I still miss her very much.