Karl May Art by Marlies Bugmann
Old Shatterhand & Friends; Karl May Art 2004 - 2017
colour; 2020 edition. A pictorial journey through thirteen years of translating Karl May's
novels of the Wild West, and the artistic rendering of his heroes. Each
piece of art in this picture book belongs to one of my Karl May
translations (not all of them may have been included in the published book), and each picture has a story to tell. 2004 to 2017.
Celebrating the 13-year adventure with a special expose on my cover art and
illustrations for Karl May's novels; includes the revitalization of some
of Karl May's own artistic costume photos. 2020 edition contains the short story of Old Shatterhand's 'Magic' Rifle, as well as the colour plates of both Out of Vandaemonia and The Rodriganda Romances. Both novels are published as black/white editions by Verlag Reinhard Marheinecke.