Some time ago, someone asked me which of the many Karl May novels I had translated was my favourite; I couldn't readily say, because in a way they're all my favourites because most belong to my favourite 'May genre': the Wild West tales with Winnetou. However, there is one work that stands out, and will always give the year 2011 its special place - and that's the 2012 Anniversary Edition of The Treasure In Silver-Lake. The 100 pages of introduction to the special edition will make abundantly clear why.
Upon reflection, Out of Vandaemonia(*) and The Rodriganda Romances(*) take equal first place because of the colour illustrations I created for those two volumes.
And then there is the biography, Savage To Saint,
probably because it was the first English language biography of Karl
May. One of the more unusual favourites is the pirate tale of Captured at Sea, in which Winnetou visits Germany for the first time.
The Travels of Winnetou & Shatterhand (Satan & Iscariot) because of the missing romance part ... and Old Shatterhand-Genesis ...
But while these seven books readily jump out as equally memorable, so does every one of the Adventure Novels, and every one of the Travel Fiction Novels.
In the end, and because of the unusual circumstances of the creative processes involved, I must admit that the 2012 Anniversary Edition of The Treasure In Silver-Lake, and Out of Vandaemonia are my equal favourites of the splendid collection of books.

*(Out of Vandaemonia, 422 pages, and The Rodriganda Romances, 798 pages, were both created as novels with colour illustrations, available POD. The colour versions of both works are available only from the author/translator - contact M Bugmann via contact page for availability.
Colour plates of both novels are separately available in print here.
In 2008, I became the first author/translator to have translated and produced the entire unabridged Winnetou trilogy from Karl May's last authorised version of 1909; it is the first publishing of the unabridged trilogy as a homogeneous work by a single translator in English (including editing and proof reading, design and formatting, as well as cover art).
Some time in my early twenties I left Switzerland for a new life in New Zealand. I chose to acquire New Zealand citizenship and am proud to be able to call myself a Kiwi. In 1988, together with my Australian husband, David, I moved to Tasmania and have lived in Australia’s island state ever since.
My passion about the rare and threatened Tasmanian fauna and flora inspired a series of illustrated children’s adventure novels set in picturesque Tasmanian wilderness, titled The Green Heart Books, with: Kangaroo Dog, Bluegum Christmas, Tazzie Devil Double Trouble, Quoll Quandary, Golden Wings and Bat Whispers; my own Bernese Mountain Dog, Bertie, inspired Swiss Tradition In Black And White, a compact work about the history of this Swiss icon, the breed’s development and how to care for a magnificent and loving friend. Available here.
The remote and exotic island of Tasmania has also provided the inspiration for Wafters, Frazzlers & Black Unicorns, a collection of Tasmanian fairy-tales set in a Tasmanian garden, which tell of Peachblossom’s adventures while fighting the evil deeds of the two- headed troll. Available here.
Birds In Tasmania, is a photo album by David Irwin, capturing birds within the natural landscapes of Tasmanian in the south-eastern corner of the island. Available here.
In 2004 I began the translation of the Karl May novel “Holy Night!”. My translations and my research of the work created by the enigmatic German author of the nineteenth century have come to a conclusion at the end of 2018; May simply did not write more Winnetou novels. He wrote many novels in other genres; however, I specialized in the tales about his most famous character: Winnetou. All of my Karl May translations have now been incorporated into Reinhard Marheinecke's publishing program.
In 2014, I completed the translation of every Winnetou story written by Karl May.
Novels, in chronological order:
Captured at Sea
The Bear Hunter’s Son
The Phantom of Llano Estacado
The Treasure in Silver-Lake
The Oil Baron
Old Surehand
Black Mustang
The Travels of Winnetou & Shatterhand (Satan & Jsharioth)
“Holy Night!”;
Short Stories, in chronological order:
Old Firehand
Winnetou (re-write of Inn-Nu-Woh)
Deadly Dust (as Winnetou III*)
In The “Wild West” of North America (as Winnetou III*)
An Oil Fire
The Scout
Old Cursing-Dry
A Blizzard
A Mother’s Love.
My passion about the rare and threatened Tasmanian fauna and flora inspired a series of illustrated children’s adventure novels set in picturesque Tasmanian wilderness, titled The Green Heart Books, with: Kangaroo Dog, Bluegum Christmas, Tazzie Devil Double Trouble, Quoll Quandary, Golden Wings and Bat Whispers; my own Bernese Mountain Dog, Bertie, inspired Swiss Tradition In Black And White, a compact work about the history of this Swiss icon, the breed’s development and how to care for a magnificent and loving friend. Available here.
The remote and exotic island of Tasmania has also provided the inspiration for Wafters, Frazzlers & Black Unicorns, a collection of Tasmanian fairy-tales set in a Tasmanian garden, which tell of Peachblossom’s adventures while fighting the evil deeds of the two- headed troll. Available here.
Birds In Tasmania, is a photo album by David Irwin, capturing birds within the natural landscapes of Tasmanian in the south-eastern corner of the island. Available here.
In 2004 I began the translation of the Karl May novel “Holy Night!”. My translations and my research of the work created by the enigmatic German author of the nineteenth century have come to a conclusion at the end of 2018; May simply did not write more Winnetou novels. He wrote many novels in other genres; however, I specialized in the tales about his most famous character: Winnetou. All of my Karl May translations have now been incorporated into Reinhard Marheinecke's publishing program.
In 2014, I completed the translation of every Winnetou story written by Karl May.
Novels, in chronological order:
Captured at Sea
The Bear Hunter’s Son
The Phantom of Llano Estacado
The Treasure in Silver-Lake
The Oil Baron
Old Surehand
Black Mustang
The Travels of Winnetou & Shatterhand (Satan & Jsharioth)
“Holy Night!”;
Short Stories, in chronological order:
Old Firehand
Winnetou (re-write of Inn-Nu-Woh)
Deadly Dust (as Winnetou III*)
In The “Wild West” of North America (as Winnetou III*)
An Oil Fire
The Scout
Old Cursing-Dry
A Blizzard
A Mother’s Love.
(*Like The Scout, and Old Firehand, Deadly Dust and In the “Wild West” of America have been incorporated into the Winnetou trilogy; however, unlike the two former tales, the latter two have not undergone sufficient changes to count them as separate stories, I have, therefore, not separately translated them.)
All of these Karl May stories, and more, are now available from Verlag Reinhard Marheinecke.