Karl May Friends

Karl May Friends is located in Tasmania, Australia.

Email for
Karl May Friends, tasmanianartist and davidsbirdphotos is:

marliesbugmann [at] proton [dot] me

Thank you.

The EU recently released new rules regarding data privacy which came into effect May 25th, 2018. Regardless of location, any website must now comply.


Karl May Friends website is for information only; no transactions are conducted on this website; this website does not contain any data collection forms.


Privacy Policy


Karl May Friends does not collect any data in any shape or form. Karl May Friends does not need to collect any data, has no means installed of collecting data, does therefore not retain any data, nor share any data with anyone, and there is therefore no data for anyone to access, change or delete. It is a visitor’s choice to visit or not. All the information on this website is for entertainment only.


Terms of Service


You may use Karl May Friends website as a visitor to inform yourself of who Karl May was, what books he wrote, when he lived, and how he worked and died.

Visitors may not copy any part of it for their own use, unless consent of website author has been given. Contact link see above.  Apart from the images and texts displayed on this website, Karl May Friends links to commercial websites like Lulu.com and Redbubble.com for products connected to Karl May and English Karl May books, Karl May art and merchandise. Terms of Services of those commercial websites apply when you visit them. Karl May Friends is not responsible for content, privacy policy, terms of service or other legalities of any external websites Karl May Friends links to.

GDPR requires an age of consent of 16. So, if you’re not sixteen, ask your parents to assist you.


Karl May Friends 25 May 2018

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